
Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009

Conditional Sentences Type 2


if + simple past, would /could + simple form

Function: to talk about situations that are contrary to fact, the situation that are opposite to the true situation

1. If I had enough money, I would buy car.
True situation: I don’t have enough money so I cannot buy car

2. If I were you, I would take her as my fiancé
True situation: I am not you, I cannot take her as my fiancé

Example 1 and 2 the speakers are talking about present or future situations but they use the simple past in the ‘if clause’
Would expresses intended or desired result

1. True Situation: I don’t have enough time
If I (have) ….. enough time, I (go) …. To the park

2. True situation: I don’t have enough money
If I (have ) ….. enough money, I (fly) …. Home this weekend

3. True situation: It’s cold today
If it (be, not) ….. cold today, I (go) …. Swimming

4. True situation: I don’t know how to swim
If I (know) …… how to swim, I (go) …. To the beach with you

5. True situation: I don’t understand the sentence
If I (understand) ….. the sentence, I (explain) ……. It to you

26 talks:

Miss Anna on 14 Oktober 2009 pukul 21.31 mengatakan...

halah inget jaman kuliah dulu euy...ilmu ku ndak kepake xixiixixi

asep canda on 14 Oktober 2009 pukul 21.39 mengatakan...

nice post techer

mas doyok on 14 Oktober 2009 pukul 21.56 mengatakan...

nice post bu guru
ntar anak saya les kesini yaaa

lovablebeauty on 14 Oktober 2009 pukul 21.56 mengatakan...

@miss anna: klo ku masih kupakai menghajar wkwkkwkw
@asep: thanks bother

lovablebeauty on 14 Oktober 2009 pukul 21.57 mengatakan...

@mas doyok: wong wis simbah ki yo putune lah sing dijak les wkwkwkwk

andi wong on 14 Oktober 2009 pukul 21.59 mengatakan...

Naa kalo ini gw ngerti sob.. simple dan mudah di mengerti.. btw komen balik yaa ;-)

Anak Sungai on 14 Oktober 2009 pukul 22.19 mengatakan...

cayo.. bari belajar bahasa inggris....... hehhehe....

Unknown on 14 Oktober 2009 pukul 22.19 mengatakan...

salam sahabat
ealah gitu tah???mantap loh thnxs ya...good luck

Investing on 14 Oktober 2009 pukul 22.20 mengatakan...

@miss ana siapa bilang g kepake reviewmu kan kedukung ma inggris gagagagag.... Regard mami Lusi

Tak henti hentinya mencari donasi korban gempa sumatra

Imoel on 14 Oktober 2009 pukul 22.36 mengatakan...

wew.. good article...
nice post...

rukzzolangan on 14 Oktober 2009 pukul 22.41 mengatakan...

nice good.....................

Hitler Jr. on 15 Oktober 2009 pukul 05.22 mengatakan...

Good post my teacher. I Luph U Pull.... Sorry my teacher, my engglish langguage is bad :((

Mx Axrom on 15 Oktober 2009 pukul 06.31 mengatakan...

My body condition is health n....'''

hmmm...i like this post..

Kang suroto on 15 Oktober 2009 pukul 07.32 mengatakan...

Nice post, i will learn here..

Ocim on 15 Oktober 2009 pukul 21.22 mengatakan...

new case, thanks has sharing buguyu

nada on 16 Oktober 2009 pukul 00.41 mengatakan...

bu guru
peljaran inggris saya dpt nila apa

telpon gratis on 16 Oktober 2009 pukul 06.33 mengatakan...

makasih infonya,,,,

Mapuc on 16 Oktober 2009 pukul 08.02 mengatakan...

sukses terus bro,,

akhatam on 16 Oktober 2009 pukul 22.49 mengatakan...

ada pelajaran lagi neh... nice !!!

Mx Axrom on 16 Oktober 2009 pukul 22.55 mengatakan...

Not a new post guys...
Yes nothing..nothing hehe on 17 Oktober 2009 pukul 06.59 mengatakan...

pendidikan yang sangat bagus guru.
Terus sebarkan ilmu yang anda miliki.
karena pahala akan terus mengalir selama ilmu anda digunakan.

Hm... ada artikel cara bagus ne d blog q > Explode Your Visitor and Your Income With Free Tools

Septian Gusonela on 17 Oktober 2009 pukul 19.30 mengatakan...

ngeblog sambil beljar..hahaha nice info

Rosmana A.P. on 17 Oktober 2009 pukul 19.32 mengatakan...

Jadi ingat kelas 1 SMA tahun lalu.... hehehe

Mapuc on 18 Oktober 2009 pukul 07.05 mengatakan...

nice info, thanks

mendjaya on 18 Oktober 2009 pukul 17.48 mengatakan...

inget pljaran SMA dluw... yg me............kan

nada on 18 Oktober 2009 pukul 19.11 mengatakan...

inggris nya keren abis

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