
Jumat, 04 September 2009

Classroom Based Action Research

Improving the quality of education can be done in various ways, including through improving the quality of educators and educational staff, improving facilities and other infrastructure, education and others. Efforts to increase educators and other staff can be done by conducting training and education, or by providing opportunities for educators and educational staff to solve the problems of learning and non learning through action. It can be done through professional action research

Improve the quality of educators and other staff to solve the problems faced while performing duties will provide multiple positive effects. First, increasing the ability in solving problems of education and real learning.
Second, improving the quality of the content, inputs, processes, and learning outcomes. Third, increasing professionalism of educators and other staff.
Fourth, the application of research-based learning principles.

Through classroom based Action Research, educational issues and learning can be reviewed, improved and completed.Classroom based action research efforts are expected to creating a learning culture (learning culture) among the lecturers at LPTK, and teachers in school. Classroom based action research offers opportunities as a strategy performance development, because this research approach to place educators and other staff as researchers, as an agent changes the nature of collaborative work patterns.

Classroom based Action Research Objectives
a. Improving the quality content, inputs, processes, and outcomes of education and learning in schools (elementary, junior high, high school and vocational).
b. Helping teachers and other staff deal with the problem
learning and education in and outside the classroom.
c. Increasing professional attitude of educators and educational staff.
d. Developed to foster an academic culture in the school environment and
LPTK, so as to create a proactive attitude in the improvement quality of education and learning in a sustainable (sustainable).
e. Improving the skills of educators and educational staff
especially in schools in doing PTK.
f. Enhance professional cooperation among teachers and education
education in schools and LPTK.

The Studies Fields of classroom based action Research Class
a. Students' learning problems in school (included in this theme, the
Other: trouble learning in the classroom, learning errors,
b. Design and learning strategies in class (included in this theme,
among others: management problems and learning procedures,
implementation and innovation in teaching methods, interaction in
in the classroom, participation of parents in students' learning process).
c. Tools, media and learning resources (including in this theme, the
Other: the problem using the media, libraries and learning resources in
within / outside the classroom, improving the relationship between the school and
d. System assessment and evaluation process and learning outcomes(including
in this theme, among others: issues and results of initial evaluation
learning, development of assessment instruments based
e. Personal development of students, educators, and staff
Other (included in this theme include: increased self-reliance
and responsibilities of learners, increasing the effectiveness of the relationship
between educators, students and parents in the PBM, the increase
learner self-concept).
f. Problems curriculum (included in this theme include: implementation
KBK, the order of presentation of subject matter, teacher-student interaction, student-material
teaching, and student-learning environment).

14 talks:

roomeyda on 4 September 2009 pukul 08.01 mengatakan...

meyda gak ngerti inggris niy,, tp makasih infonya ya,,,

Ocim on 4 September 2009 pukul 08.15 mengatakan...

ok thanks for the articell

NanLimo Mencari Cinta on 4 September 2009 pukul 08.22 mengatakan...

wah,,, aq harus rajin2 buka kamus nih.. dan menghapal kosa kata.. supaya bisa bing... hehhehe.. salam akrab Mbak

admin on 4 September 2009 pukul 16.13 mengatakan...

wah sibuk ngadain research yach bu,

MbahDoyok on 4 September 2009 pukul 18.29 mengatakan...

bagus buk
praktiknya susah yaaaa

Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner on 4 September 2009 pukul 20.57 mengatakan...

terima kasih atas pendidikannya
dan sharingnya

Adnan Ashari on 5 September 2009 pukul 02.17 mengatakan...

ajari aku bu...

fashion and style on 5 September 2009 pukul 06.18 mengatakan...

"improving the quality of educators and educational staff" i think this is the most important for improving the quality of education. btw have a nice weekend sista...

kang suroto on 5 September 2009 pukul 19.23 mengatakan...

Nice info sobat, success for you

infodalamberita on 5 September 2009 pukul 19.47 mengatakan...

yuzar bahasa inggris dapet 4 ujian kenaikan kelas kmaren.. ehehe ga ngerti yuzar..

Adnan Ashari on 6 September 2009 pukul 17.57 mengatakan...

jadi yang terakhir juga gak papa

pengenpintar on 6 September 2009 pukul 18.31 mengatakan...

blogger skr emang keren2
udah blognya keren
postinganya keren
alexanya keren
orgnya pasti keren

Agung AP on 7 September 2009 pukul 07.17 mengatakan...

we must learcn from experience too

rahasia adsense google on 15 September 2009 pukul 06.32 mengatakan...

good info

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