Getting awards again??? wolaaaaaaaa, what a feeling. This award comes from Prafangga, thanks bro. BLOGGER INDONESIA AWARDS is meant not only to unite all Indonesian blogger but also to uphold patriotism Soul of the Nation. Show you love Indonesia by giving this awards to your blogegr friends. Now, i love Indonesia, i beleive that you, Indonesian blogger also love our country, so i would like to share this awards to my beloved friends:
1. hospital
2. Tukangbaja
3. Ardhian
4. Rinto
5. Yusron
6. Indonesia Hospital
7. Kandeks
8. Ardi 33
9. Setetes Embun
10. Blackstreet
Friends, if you really love Indonesia please take the awards. After taking the awards, there is a little asigments that you have to do:
1. Make a poem or wordrs/sentences or message, on How you love Indonesia
2. Share the awards to 10 friends
My message: Bravo Indonesia, Bravo Indonesian blogger!!! I love you full
11 talks:
Thank you very much award cool >>> hospital ohio
Award terpasang, Thanxs ya!!!
asep, wawan: siiiiiiiiip bro
hoho..dapet yaa???makasih yaa?????
thank's ya...
Wouw awardnya keren, Selamat yah.
Salam kenal...
thanks for commentnya bro
wah sukses bro... moga makin maju....
blogger skr emang keren2
udah blognya keren
postinganya keren
orgnya pasti keren
nice numpang cari backlink nich hehe
Wow, award lagi, terima kasih sobat
Maju terus Indonesia!!!
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